
A Clearing Meditation on Letting Go + Death for Winter


It's Dia De Los Muertos, we just had Halloween and it's the Samhain/Sowen season OR the exhale part of the year as I like to call it. We've entered into Winter, and tomorrow daylight savings time will officially make it feel even more so with shorter days and longer nights.

I love the downward turn nature provides as a reminder to S-L-O-W D-O-W-N and do less. I've been turning off my computer and silencing my phone a bit earlier these days, and I encourage you to do the same. It is hard in our modern lives, and a lot of folks really struggle this time of year. I encourage you to let go of the need to accomplish anything right now unless absolutely necessary, and instead focus on just BEING as ENOUGH -- even if that feels against what you are accustomed to, or makes you feel lazy. This is the core essence of true self care. To rest and listen to nature, instead of fighting against it. Where there is resistance ... there is a teacher, something to be learned and explored.

This week in my classes, and in this month's meditation I've focused on the powerful teacher of Death and the process of letting go.

Death is likely to be the most or one of the most avoided topics, yet the process of connecting closely with Death and letting go as a teacher can offer some of the most powerful lessons for our lives. They can teach us how to be more alive --- and present.